
Sichuan Bestluck Chemical Co., ltd
  • Enterprise spirit

    Unity, diligence, dedication, integrity, honesty, implementation, and seeking truth from facts

    Management philosophy

    Keep job in your eye-sight, goals in your heart, fine management in each corner

    Salary philosophy

    Any remuneration without performance is shameless and disreputable

    Growth concept

    There is no unfair ability, only unfair efforts

  • Life withstanding philosophy

    Surpass yourself in prosperity, work hard in times of adversity

    Promotion concept

    Promotion comes from virtue, talent, and progressions.

    Work philosophy

    Details are what determine success or failure of thousand miles journey steps. Be the most industrious, the most dedicated and the most careful.

    Employment concept

    Let the virtuous and capable have their rightful place, let the honest and loyal have opportunities, and make the hardworking people prosperous

  • Service philosophy

    Service is love, fill the world with love!Aren’t we all one family

    Bestluck Mission

    Pave a hundred years of glory path, build a world-class enterprise and a first-class brand

    Corporate vision

    Create the first brand that increases production, income, naturalness, environmental protection, safety and health

    Development concept

    Surpass yourself, pursue excellence and turn ideals into reality

    Team values

    Truth-seeking, innovation, integrity, win-win cooperation

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